The Construction industry is continuously evolving, and so are the steel industry and steel detailing practices. With the rising complexity of the structures, a new perspective on steel detailing and its services are required to understand the buildability and engineering.

The advancement in technology has widened the role of Steel Detailers in the construction Industry. Steel detailing has become an integral part of the construction cycle, from planning and design to fabrication, construction, and asset management. Steel detailers develop detailed structural steel drawings to ensure the accuracy, erection ability, and constructability of steel elements whilst coordinating with the other trades.

       - Material management files (.kss, EJE, .xml, .xls etc.)

       - Automated machine fabrication files (NC1, DXF, Zeman, etc.)

       - BIM file sharing (IFC, 3d DWG, Navisworks, etc.)

       - 3D PDF of the entire model or Individual assemblies.



Structural Steel Fabricators, Engineers, Architects, Contractors and Builders.